5 K-Pop Songs For Morning Commutes
Getting out of bed is only half the battle during the week, but actually making it to work in a relatively decent mood is the next step. Music can serve as a great pick me up, so when you’re on your morning commute to work or school, listen to some of our favorite K-Pop songs. For people who like to take the day more slowly, there are some songs for you, while those of you who need something fast-paced to get you really revved up, there’s also that. Whether you’re in a car, on public transportation, or your own two legs, these songs will really hit home. If your morning commute doesn’t involve driving (or if it does then you can have a look at it later), then you may wish to pass the time reading a blog about motorists and their music habits. If this is something that you think you might be interested in, then you can find it here.
K.Will – A Bright Day
Before getting into anything that will definitely wake you up, take it slowly. Listen to A Bright Day; think about what the day ahead of you will hold. Will it be a great day, an okay day or, unfortunately, a difficult one? Hopefully, it will be a fulfilling one, and make this commute well worth it! Mediate for a few minutes while listening to K.Will, and then move on to some other songs in this list that are a bit more upbeat.
You’re already awake and on your way, but you may not be completely awake. The soft snapping and piano instrumental at the beginning of R U Ok? transitions into a faster beat that will wake you up a little bit, to the point where you may be bobbing your head along to it.

Also on KPOPme: 8 K-Pop Jams For Your Next Workout
EXO-K – Angel
If you still have gunk in your eyes and you’re not so sure if all of your buttons are done properly, you’re probably not ready for something really loud and wild. EXO-K’s Angel, from the group’s debut album, is a simple ballad that has some great high points throughout the song that will definitely lift up your mood.
Roy Kim – Love Love Love
The singer’s acoustic guitar and gentle voice will gently raise your level of awareness. The melody has its fast points and also soft, harmonious moments that ends in a crescendo that will result in anybody feeling a bit more awake after listening.

Also on KPOPme: K-Pop Songs to Start Your Morning
SHIMMixes – K-Lubbing
This song is a bit jarring, so this may actually be a great replacement for coffee. It’s not a K-Pop song per say, but one of the greatest mash-ups of songs from May-September 2013 by SHIMMixes. The entire mix will have you dancing in your seat, so that by the time you’re at work you’ll be pumped.
What’s your favorite song to listen during your morning commute? We’d love for you to share your picks, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Bloglovin’ so you can keep up with all our posts.