summer 2014 kpop songs

Playlist Sunday: Summer 2014 Hits

It’s the last day of summer for those of us in the Western Hemisphere, so the KPOPme staff is dedicating this week’s playlist to the songs that came out this past summer. Some of these songs are from the very start of the sunny season, while others were released within the past few weeks. But from 2PM to Big Byung, these songs will always make you reminisce about Summer 2014.

Even though Big Byung was just a project group for the MBC show Hitmaker, Stress Come On was the one summer song that realistically spoke to me. Composed and written by Weekly Idol’s MCs Defconn and Jung Hyun Don, Stress Come On is a, loosely, gangster rap-style song about everyday stresses. Chicken with no cola? Parents pressuring you to get married? Unequal pay for the same job? Yeah, we can all relate to those!

Moreover, I really liked seeing a new side to BTOB’s Sung Jae, and VIXX’s N and Hyuk, since they are not rappers in their respective groups like GOT7’s Jackson. In the show, you could see that rapping didn’t come as natural to the VIXX members, so it was great seeing that they pulled it off in the end product. The song, music video, and especially the reality show are all very funny. However short-lived the project group was, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment and aspect of it.


Yes, we talked about BEAST’s Good Luck more than a few times, but it’s such a good song that we just can’t help it. With this week being about the bests songs of the summer, I couldn’t pick any other song other than Good Luck. If there’s a song that is my summer jam, it’s this one. It was definitely my favorite from all the releases of summer 2014.
The song itself is quite addicting, and that intro with Yoseob’s beautiful voice melts your heart away. The video, the song, the styling, and the synched choreography all came together to create a spectacular production by BEAST. Can’t wait for their comeback!


For our ode to Summer hits this week, I’m choosing 2PM’s Go Crazy!. The song and the video, as the title states, are both crazy, but extremely fun and entertaining. To me, that’s what summer is all about. We have the chance to take more vacations, hang out in the sun, break it down on the dance floor, and of course, for those of age, hitting up the party scene.

The good thing about Go Crazy! is that although it was technically released in Summer, it isn’t a Summer-specific song. If I play Go Crazy! in the middle of January with sub-degree weather and snow up to my waist, it won’t feel out of place. In fact, it will make me dance and therefore warm up. No matter what season, Go Crazy! is a great party song to listen to.

— Tara

The summer’s pretty much over, but I’m still listening to the refreshing song Cup Of Water by B1A4. The quintet always has fun songs that I can’t help but sing along and dance to. After seeing B1A4 perform the song at KCON, using super soakers to spray the crowd with water, I just can’t help but think of a hot, sunny summer day and a nice water fight when I listen to this song. The refrain is really catchy, and even if you don’t understand the lyrics, it’ll get stuck in your head.

And the best thing? The song was originally called Cup Of Alcohol based on the similarity between “mul” (water) and “sul” (alcohol,) but B1A4 wanted young fans to be able to enjoy the song.


What’s your favorite summer 2014 song? Be sure to share it and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Bloglovin’ so you can keep up with all our posts.