Simon D ‘Simon Dominic’ Music Video & Song Review
The long awaited comeback is finally here as Simon Dominic, better known as Simon D (once a member of hip-hop duo Supreme Team, the duo disbanded in 2013 after member E-Sen’s contract expired with Amoeba Culture) is back with a pre-released single self titled “Simon Dominic” from his upcoming album. Considering this song wasn’t going to be released in the first place but was then revamped and put out has fans on their feet roaring with excitement.

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What the twenties leave behind are disappearing popularity and money.
Of course there was the stepping-stone to where I am now.
Enjoy it while you can.
I’m only gonna live for music, that’s the motto to my success.

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If you were to consider Simon D’s years in the underground hip-hop world and the years he spent in the mainstream music industry, he has almost two decades worth of experiences and achievements under his belt. To some, that may not seem like a long time, but to many others, he’s undoubtedly considered an “OG” in the hip-hop game. Due to his lengthy life experiences, he tends to rap about the raw side of things, “real life”, relatable situations.
In “Simon Dominic”, he raps about the trial and error of life. When you’re young and inexperienced at life, the things that people who have more experience than you do say usually doesn’t make sense. In most cases, you probably didn’t listen to them anyway, right? It’s like a natural cycle of life; sometimes it’s almost as if we want to make things more difficult for ourselves, even when others who have gone through these difficult situations before, tells us to do avoid them, we still do it anyway just so we can say we did. But that’s okay. Why? Because you live and you learn.
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Simon’s telling you that no one’s going to fight your battles for you. In reality, people can and will tell you what to do, but at the end of it all, everything is up to you. You’re the only one who can alter the passages that you take in life. Enjoy life, fight through the difficulties and tough times because the only one that can get you through it is yourself. Sure, if you’re lucky, there’ll be people around you who may possibly help you along the way, but just remember that you’re the only one that knows you best; you’re the only one who can push yourself when you need the extra pushing done.
It’s without a doubt that Simon D has an undeniable gift of rapping. His rhymes are ultra smooth and slick. You can tell that this man is always in the zone, whether it’s a recorded or live version. The lyrics to “Simon Dominic” are straight to the point as it describes what Simon D’s done and gone through during the last decade as an artist in an ever-growing industry. Simon D touches on his upbringing, where and how it all started for him, his biggest pride, his hometown of Busan, the misunderstandings that ultimately ended his relationship and departure from Amoeba Culture , E-Sens, the other half to Supreme Team, and to his current company, AOMG.

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Producer and AOMG artist, GRAY and Simon D make a great team. GRAY provided a light and addictive beat to accompany Simon’s fluid and relatable rhymes. The words he’s spitting are raw and potent, without the intentions of stirring up any conflict. He’s got that veteran swag and he’s using it to his full advantage.
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The artistry of the music video is simple, clean and easy on the eyes. Although the vivid colored lights did add a little spice to the plainer backgrounds, it wasn’t overkill nor was it a distraction from Simon D himself. Even though he’s fully clothed, with oversized clothing and a hood over his head majority of this video, his eyes just shoot out a manly sex appeal. There could be a bunch of laser beams darting in random directions in this music video and all eyes will still be on Simon. What can I say; he’s too beautiful of a man to have the attention taken away from him.

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Overall Thoughts
Would it be too much if I’m already considering this as the end of the summer anthem? I keep finding myself mumbling, “Simon, Simon Dominic, Simon D.o.m.i.n.i.c oh, oh”. If the real goal was for people to remember his name, then he’s definitely got that covered. The wait for this release was well worth it and I can’t wait to hear the rest of the album.
Simon D 'Simon Dominic'
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