K-Beauty review: Caolion Premium Hot & Cool Pore Pack Duo
There I was, strolling around Sephora while picking up my long-awaited birthday present (the Marc Jacobs eyeliner is a game changer!) when I happened to notice the Caolion Premium Hot & Cool Pore Pack Duo. With pretty large pores on my nose, which was once dubbed a “strawberry nose” by a blunt facialist, I’m always looking for new, size-reducing items. I usually doubt their efficiency but I can’t help but be drawn in by their promises of blackhead-clearing perfection. I chose to try this one out since it gave me a two-in-one chance to try products I’ve heard good things about, and it was only $30.
I decided to try it out later that night. Upon first glance, I was a bit disappointed that that the step one pack (aka Blackhead Steam Pore Pack to clarify pores and refine complexion) seemed to be a grainy exfoliating mask, which was supposed to be rubbed around first and then left to sit. Since I like to keep my beauty steps separate (I tend to find two-in-one items usually don’t do either of the things the promise…), I was a bit wary but the overall feel of it wasn’t as weird as I thought. The second, considerably thinner, pack (aka Pore Original Pack with calming and cooling effects) was more like a typical clay mask but once I put it on it seemed to disappear from my face after about 15 minutes, as if my skin was absorbing its moisture.
- aolion Premium Hot & Cool Pore Pack Duo STEP TWO
- aolion Premium Hot & Cool Pore Pack Duo STEP ONE
Also on KultScene: Introduction To Korean Masks: 10 Masks In 10 Days
I really did feel that my pores looked visibly smaller immediately after, plus my face actually looked cleaner, likely because I had just scoured off a layer or three of my skin.
BEWARE. The burning sensation was a bit much and I got pretty red immediately after using it. I made the error of thinking that if it says “pack,” it’s a mask for my whole face. Apparently that was silly on my part, since the Hot Pack seemed to literally set my face on fire. According to our resident makeup crazed lady, Tammie, that’s precisely how it was supposed to feel but even so… I had actual tears running down my face since it was so intense. It felt like I had just rubbed hot peppers all over my skin. That said, the product overall seemed to work as promised and the cooling sensation of the second step, after burning also a bit, did make my skin feel and look great. So… Yea. Be wary, but the results are worth it.
Also, step two smelled a lot like my niece’s playdoh.
Also on KultScene: Cosmetic Hallyu: Glow Recipe Helps Understand Korean Skin Care
I definitely am still going to look for a new clay mask with a focus on tightening my overall face, since that was what I was kind of hoping this would be, but I’m definitely going to add the Caolion Pack Duo into my regular skincare routine, particular for my problem eras. My skin looked nearly flawless the next day! I spent a lot of time outside in the heat and humidity of New York City the next day so my pores appear to have gotten a bit larger, but I’m intrigued to see how this product does in the winter. While it did it’s job, the fiery sensation was off-putting. Here’s to finding something that does the job without making me cry!
Caolion Premium Hot & Cool Pore Pack Duo
Have you tried the Caolion Pore Pack Duo? What other K-beauty products would you like us to review? Share your thoughts in the comment section below and be sure to subscribe to the site and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr to keep up with all of our posts.
This review was not sponsored by Caolion or Sephora but KultScene is always looking for affiliate and sponsors, particularly for product reviews. Email [email protected] for more details