8 K-Pop Jams For Your Next Workout
This article will focus on about 30 minutes worth of energy-pumping, adrenaline-rushing, endorphin-enducing K-Pop music. Hooray! Although beach season may be coming to a close soon, that doesn’t mean we should neglect our beach bodies.
These eight K-Pop songs will get you through your next 30-minute workout without any trouble, so let’s dive in.
1. M.I.B. – Men in Black
The first song on your new K-Pop workout playlist is none other than M.I.B’s Men In Black. The song begins with a catchy beat and Young Cream’s rapping. It’s the perfect song to get you started on your workout. From the beginning, it’s not too intense, and eases you into your workout and gets you pumped up for the next 30 minutes.

2. VIXX – On and On
Song number two on your new playlist starts along the lines of Men In Black, in that the beginning of the song is a little lighter. The beat throughout Vixx’s On and On is perfect to set a decent pace as you workout. Listening to those harmonies as you sweat buckets makes the whole process a little bit easier. There are a few pauses throughout the song where you can either test yourself to see if you can keep your current pace or slow it down or if you’re really daring, speed it up. Remember though, this is only song number two of eight, so pace yourself.

3. BTS – Jump
You can’t complete a workout without a BTS song. The song of choice is Jump. The beat is not as quick as the previous two songs, but you deserve a little break for your hard work through the first two songs. And despite the beat may not be as fast, there is rarely a moment of silence or a pause throughout the entire song. BTS will continuously encourage you to keep at it with their rapping and singing. During the breakdown part with Suga and Rap Mon’s raps, slow it down to match the beat, but get ready to pick it up with the next song.

Number four, we’re halfway there! Supernova is a group made up of Koreans who mainly promote in Japan. So this next song choice is J-Pop, but it’s, as the title suggests, addicting all the same. Addicted is a get-up-and-jump type of song. The beat stays constant and quick throughout the song and the chorus will have you singing along in no time.

5. Teen Top – Rocking
To keep your energy high, Teen Top’s Rocking is the next song of choice. This song is perfect for motivation during a workout. At the number four spot on the playlist, this song will keep your head in the workout and keep you pushing with all you have.
To help distract you mind (if you are like the author and need distractions while working out), imagine Teen Top’s intricate footwork to Rocking and their shiny and fun outfits in the music video. When they tell you put your hands up, go ahead and indulge, you’re more than halfway done!

6. BIGBANG – Fantastic Baby
You can’t have a K-Pop playlist without Big Bang. Fantastic Baby is perfect for the fifth song on the list. It starts a little slow, with breaks in the music, but once that chorus comes around you’ll be in overdrive. The beat throughout the song is perfect to help keep the end of you workout strong. Just listen to the boys as they sing and rap and all will be well.

7. B.A.P – Hurricane
The second to last song!! You’re almost there, you can see the finish line… There are many B.A.P songs to choose from, but Hurricane is winner for this playlist. Alike many of the songs on this list, Hurricane starts out slower. It gives you a chance to regroup and slightly catchy your breath before entering the frenzy that is the song. The beat and music isn’t constant throughout the song, but since it’s almost the end of the workout just try to enjoy this part. The chorus and the break down will definitely have you moving at your maximum level.

8. MFBTY – Sweet Dream
You made it, the final song! Just get through this and you’re done… MFBTY’s Sweet Dream, again, starts slow and gradually builds to a beat-busting song that is a perfect way to wrap up your workout.
You’ll start out much slower at the beginning of Sweet Dream than at the end of Hurricane. But you’ll soon be up to a decent speed as the song progresses. The ending of Sweet Dream is the perfect ending for a workout. As you come to the conclusion of your intense workout, a piano will serenade the end as you feel elated that you finished.

Congratulations, you just completed your 30 minute K-Pop workout! This playlist is perfect for a run outside or going to the gym or whatever else you wish to do during your workout.
What K-Pop songs get you pumped up during a workout? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below and be sure to subscribe to the site and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Bloglovin’ so you can keep up with all our posts.